Tharp, Jason

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Jason Tharp has dreamed of being an author and creating wacky worlds with fun characters since he was a kid. Now as a grown-up kid, Jason is driven to help others embrace the magic of their stories. Being an obsessive daydreamer and doodler has led him to create many licensed properties, write books, and design clothing and travel the country talking to kids and adults about embracing their “weirdness” and the power of the unicorn effect. Jason lives in Columbus, Ohio.

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Cornelius J. Sparklesteed is known among all the other horses in Hoofington for his beautiful and creative handmade hats. But Cornelius is hiding a secret under his own tall, pointy hat: He’s really a unicorn.

Hoofington is a friendly place, but its horses pass on lots of mean rumors about unicorns. When Cornelius is chosen to perform for this year’s Hoofapalooza, will he find the courage to show everyone his unicorniness?

It’s Okay To Be A Unicorn! is an inspiring story about the rainbow magic of kindness.


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